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I met Alex a few weeks back in Penn Station. I spotted this familiar face on his right calf:

I say a familiar face, because it is clearly the profile of the Statue of Liberty, but something looks slightly different. Alex explained why:
"It's the right side of the face, [which] is really hard to find because the arm for the torch is in the way ... I had to research forever and then I found two photos which I matched up ... one was when it was under construction, someone got the right side ... the crown part we had to reverse and put onto the picture ... I'm pretty particular - it actually  took two weeks to come up with a good design..."
Alex says he got this tattoo a few years back "to commemorate President Bush leaving office." He was living in Portland, Oregon, at the time and is originally from Albany, New York. The collaboration on the tattoo was with an artist named Ron at a shop whose name he doesn't recall.

As happy as I was to take this photo, Alex was more keen on showing off a newer piece, done by Chris Reynolds at Albany Modern Body Art. He raised his shirt up to show me this tattoo on his right side:

Alex explained that his ink had a very Northeastern slant to it. This tattoo fits in with the general feel of that theme.

He wanted to be sure to praise the guys at Modern Body Art and was really very proud of this work.
