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Gangsta Tattoo Sleeve

Gangsta Tattoo Sleeve
Product Description
Authentic Sleeves Brand Pair of Gangsta Tattoo Sleeves. Sleeves brand clothing is at the forefront of tattoo clothing and designs. Each one of their garments are designed by industry leading tattoo artist and feature quality transparent mesh material that fits skin tight and makes these designs look like authentic tattoos. You wont believe how realistic these look! Even your friends who know you will have a double take! These are the same awesome quality sleeves they use in Hollywood in high definition movie product, so you know they are good! These feature tapered arm lengths so they will fit perfect and a seemless wrist so the material appears to be flush with your skin. These sleeves feature Gangsta design, including a revolver, spider webs, pitbull, gangsta skulls and lowrider!

Gangsta Tattoo Sleeve (LARGE)

Product Features

* Gangsta design, including a revolver, spider webs, pitbull, gangsta skulls and lowrider
* The Painless and Easy Way to have Tattoos all over your Arms
* Comfortable and Easy to Wear

Cool Tattoo Ideas and Interesting Tattoo Pictures:
Black and Grey Ink Fairy Angel Tattoo Design
Tattooed Girl with Sidebody Flower Tattoo Design
Tattooed Girl with Full Body Tattoo - Back and Butt Tattoo Design
Tattooed Guy with Dragon and Sword Tattoo on Back Body
Fantasy Tattoos - Sexy Girl Tattoos
Flowers Foot Tattoo Design
Heart and Script Tattoos - Feet Tattoo Design